CSDE Director Sara Curran Will Join UW Graduate Public Lecture Series on September 24 for COVID 19: Stand Up and Be Counted
Posted: 9/15/2020 (Local Events)
We have a great deal riding on both the election and the Census. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we ensure every vote and every person is counted. In this episode of the graduate lecture series, Hanson Hosein will talk to some experts who can help understand how COVID-19 plays a role in ensuring every voice and every person is heard and counted. Guests include Lisa Marshall Manheim from the UW Law School, Sara Curran from the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, and Michele Storms from the ACLU. Also, please note that two weeks later, the lecture program will feature CSDE Affiliate Ali Mokdad discussing population health challenges and UW’s efforts to meet those challenges.